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Measurement of Construction Process †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Measurement of Construction Process. Answer: Introduction: This is the case study about Latino engineering organization which is dealing with the development of mechanical equipment. The former practices followed by the enterprise makes the organization to reach to the sky in their turnover. The project owner is the person who is capable of taking strategic decision in the benefit of the enterprise. The completion of the term for the project manager creates the problem in the growth of the firm. The new manager is not capable of strategic decision as a whole sole responsibility. Vatrapu, 2006)The inefficiency of the business processes result into the generation of customers complaint. The regular customers of the firm are unsatisfied with the product quality which they receive after delivery. The defective materials are supplied on the customer demand. These situation increases the problematic area of the firm. The purpose of this paper is to design an innovative idea for the growth of the company in the form of continuous improvement plan b y analysing the root cause of the failure of the business functionality. There are variety of tools available which are used for managing the matrix which helps in analysing the current business tactics and the future wants of the organization. After the identification of the root cause it is easy to implement the operations and processes which helps in increasing the profit in the near future of the enterprise which results into the long term sustainability. The focus point of the continuous improvement plan is to deliver quality products to the consumers so therefore it is necessary to indulge quality control procedure in the working curriculum of the firm. The analysis of the issues and challenges associated with the decision taken by the project manager. The business activities should be scheduled according to the improvement plan undertaken for enhancing the decision making capability of the project manager in establishing quality control procedures for the efficient working o f the enterprise. The purpose of creating and designing the continuous improvement plan is to resolve the challenges faced in the working structure of the enterprise. The Latino engineering corporation wants its position and reputation back which had been lost in the past working years. As a project consultant, it is recommended that the step by step procedure should be adopted to change the business tactics and strategies according to the newly designed continuous plan to attain prosperity and good will for the enterprise. The business process should be designed on the basis of flaws and gaps which exists in the traditional way of business processes. The four major areas which should be focused and taken under consideration for the development of continuous plan are manpower, machinery, methods, and medium. The new working portfolio works in achieving prosperity and good will of the enterprise in terms of turnover and profit gained by it. The analysis of the satisfaction level of the customers helps in adding values to the developed business activities. The procedure of root cause analysis is used for justifying the cause of failure in providing quality products to the user. The organization value can be optimized by indulging process of continuous improvement in the working profile of the firm. The research should be undertaken to diagnose the tangible and intangible evidence which can affect the quality of productivity of the firm. The business should be transformed by stream aligning the business activity schedule for reducing the risks and overcoming the flaws and the gaps which exist with the traditional way of working tactics. The quality metrics should be prepared for determining the quality controls undertaken for improving the process and procedures undertaken (Soni, 2013). The tangible evidences helps in identifying the actual cause associated with the failure of the productivity in providing good quality mechanical equipment to the consumer of the enterprise. The RCA helps in understanding the learning process for increasing the working efficiency of the firm (Singh, 2015). The required action should be taken to improve the quality of the product because there is a deficiency in the implementation of the good quality control procedures for analysing the quality of raw material supplied for managing the operation associated with the productivity. The operational excellence can be achieved with the development of continuous improvement plan on the basis of the root cause analysis findings. The different tools of the root cause analysis are used for analysing the actual root cause for the failure of the quality production. The cause and effect diagram is used for identifying the impact associated with the related cause (Nataraj, 2011). The findings of the root cause analysis program on the Latino engineering helps in identifying the following: Root cause: The root cause of the productivity failure in providing quality products is the deficiency in the management working structure. The inefficient control procedures are used for improving the quality and working of the associated employees. The flaws and performance of the employees are not corrected by deploying training procedure and other control measures. The misalignment of the logical sequence in the flow of activities is the major cause of the product quality and turn over declination. Causal Factor: The instrumental channel should be deployed for analysing the operational error in the deployment of the project activities (Liu, 2008). The administration does not keep the regular check on the flaws and defects of the working procedures. The factors which are responsible for the failure of the product quality are low quality of the material provided for completing the project, analysis of the procedural problem, errors in the employees working behaviour, flaws in the design of the product undertaken, the standard training schedule is not organized for the working schedule of the employees for enhancing the expertize required for completing the project activities, and pressure of the external environment such as government, and others (Likker, 2012). Tools used for analysing the root cause are listed below: The cause and effect diagram is used identifying the impact associated with the related cause. The impact on methods, material, ad machinery is identified which can affect the policies undertaken for the completing the productivity of the equipment (Mahto, 2008). Interrelationship diagram is used for identifying the quantification of tools which can affect the potential causes associated with the working structure of the enterprise. The in scope activities and out of scope activities should be determined for managing the logical sequence of the operational program (Fursule, 2012). These tools help in analysing the actual situation of the Latino Corporation which can affect the working structure of the enterprise in producing good quality equipment. The barriers and risks should be identified which can restrict the growth of the company in developing good quality equipment (Martins, 2012). The task analysis helps in identifying and measuring the degree of effect which can reduce the productivity quality. The development of the continuous improvement plan for the Latino corporation is on establishing relationship between root causes and casual factor. The Plan do check and act cycle is used for developing the improvement plan for improving the quality of the equipment developed by the organization. The planning phase is used for determining the new opportunities created for deploying the change management in the working culture of the firm. The do phase focuses on the implementation of the new concept in the working processes. The check phase is used for determining the continuity and the difference in the activities which can be beneficial for the working environment. The active participation and the teamwork is helpful in synchronizing the activities scheduled in the activity diagram of the continuous improvement plan. The successful implementation of the act phase helps in determining the assessment of the result. The consistency in the quality of the product delivered to the consumer is the major factor for the attraction towards the organization. The recurring procedures should be laid down for improving the quality of the pr oduct. The repetition of the processes helps in one time effort for reducing the negligence towards the quality of the product. The continuous improvement plan should focus on the following areas: The activities and the development according to the requirement mentioned by the customers Improving the decision making activity of the project manager The leadership qualities should be established in the owner of the project The efficiency of the activities can be improved with the availability of the resources The interrelationship should be developed between the processes for the identification and managing of the processes. The quality improvement can be identified for managing the function with the deployment of process performance measures. The efficiency and the effectiveness can be improved with the determination of the factual decision taken. The inter-dependency should be maintained between the supplier and the higher authority of the enterprise. The procedures should be identified for planning the quality of the equipment The factual observation helps in managing the quality standards for the work in progress. The technology, availability, and resources are used for establishing and influencing the change management (Duphily, 2014). The innovation in the product can be developed for improving the processes undertaken. The deficiency in the quality can be improved with the additional of features in the processes (Carpinetti, 2013). The revenue of the companies can be improved with the increment in the business operational plan The incremental approach is used improving the existing operations. The statistical process control is used for identifying the continuity of the business activity (Cole, 2014). The expectation of the customers requirement should be completely fulfilled. The loyalty should be managed in the decision making capabilities of the enterprise. The availability of the resources helps in completing the processes with efficiency. The total quality management program should be used for determining the active participation of the employees in the development processes and delivering product services. The objective of the organization can be achieved by maintaining the consistency of the quality plan. The success of the project is depends on the quality of the product for achieving the long term sustainability (Bose, 2016). The quality of the product can be assured for managing the performance of the product. The factual observation is used managing the quality audits for managing the work done by the employees for increasing the productivity of the enterprise (Ashworth, 2014). The delivery system should be improved by packaging the right material according to the user demand. The specification should be laid down in encompassing the different areas in the working culture of the firm. The business activities should be scheduled according to the improvement plan undertaken for enhancing the decision making capability of the project manager in establishing quality control procedures for the efficient working of the enterprise. The continuity and the consistency should be maintained for developing the specification of the equipment according to the demand placed by the user. The active participation and the teamwork is helpful in synchronizing the activities scheduled in the activity diagram of the continuous improvement plan. The efforts are going in the field of developing processes for managing the improvement (Ronald, 2015). The recommendation is to indulge a key performance indicator for improving the performance of the employees. The quality work can be achieved by monitoring the activities performed by the employees by setting the performance appraisal program. The critical issues can be resolved with the deployment of the risks identification and management plan for managing the activities. The data loss is the critical area which has to be provided top security to prevent data leakages. The differentiation in the matrix helps in determining the improvement in the past and future continuous plan gaining profit and satisfaction in the customers (Fursule, 2012). The significant and synchronising of activities helps in determining the designing of the processes undertaken for improvement. The working structure should be developed for managing the existing structure. The learning from the past activities helps in setting down the continuity in business plan for achieving sustainability and reputation of the company (Ballard, 2013). The formulation of the continuous plan helps in minimizing the risks associated with the process cost. This helps in completion of activities within the budget specified by the organization. The project sponsor should take active participation in determine the cost associated with the project activities. Conclusion: The Latino engineering corporation wants its position and reputation back which had been lost in the past working years. The focus point of the continuous improvement plan is to deliver quality products to the consumers so therefore it is necessary to indulge quality control procedure in the working curriculum of the firm. The analysis of the issues and challenges associated with the decision taken by the project manager. The consistency in the quality of the product delivered to the consumer is the major factor for the attraction towards the organization. The recurring procedures should be laid down for improving the quality of the product. The repetition of the processes helps in one time effort for reducing the negligence towards the quality of the product. The critical issues can be resolved with the deployment of the risks identification and management plan for managing the activities for the development of the continuous improvement plan. References: Ashworth, M. (2014). Measurement of construction process for continuous improvement. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 29 Sep. 2017]. Ballard, P. (2013). Measuring performance excellence: Key performance indicators. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 29 Sep. 2017]. Bose, L. (2016). Improving the efficacy of the root cause analysis. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 29 Sep. 2017]. Carpinetti, L. (2013). 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