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Monday, December 30, 2019

Racism and Discrimination in the US Essay - 1643 Words

Racism and Discrimination in the US â€Å"†¦Everybody jumped on him, and beat him senseless†¦ Everybody was hitting him or kicking him. One guy was kicking at his spine. Another guy was hitting him on the side of his face†¦ he was unconscious. He was bleeding. Everybody had blood on their forearms. We ran back up the hill laughing†¦ He should have died†¦ He lost so much blood he turned white. He got what he deserved†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Ridgeway 167). The skinheads who were beating this man up had no reason to do so except for the fact that he was Mexican. Racism in this day and age is still as big of a problem as it was in the past, and as long as hate groups are still around to promote violence, society is never going to grow to love one another.†¦show more content†¦Statistics show that children are bias free usually between the ages of two and five, but prejudice can begin as early as the age of two (Tananarive 1J+). Racism usually starts in the schools. Most white suprema cists usually do not grow up hearing it at home. If parents hear their children say a racist remark, they should not stay quiet. Correct them, but do not punish them. If they are taught at a young age to not be racist, when they are older, they can be able to distinguish between the right and wrong things to think and say. Some racist things that parents say, but they do not consider to be racist are: they are such good athletes, everyone knows that Asian kids are smarter, he/she is cute†¦. for a black person, why are you doing that.. do you think you are black? If the parent says one of these in front of their child, they should correct themselves and make it known that what they just said is not nice and that it should not be repeated. Racism should not be tolerated in schools. Children are often intimidated by others, and are afraid to speak up. Some tips to fight racism in schools, given by Peter Benson, are: first, nobody has to put up with racism. Nobody forces anyone to laugh at racist jokes, or join in on their taunts. He also suggests that people should stick up for one another. Comments like,† that joke is not funny† or â€Å"do not call so and so that name† are good things to say. The next suggestion was to watchShow MoreRelatedEssay on Racism in America Today1316 Words   |  6 PagesThe legacy of past racism directed at blacks in the United States is more like a bacillus that we have failed to destroy, a live germ that not only continues to make some of us ill but retains the capacity to generate new strains of a disease for which we have no certain cure. - Stanford Historian George Frederickson. The population of the United States of America has been one of mixed race since its very beginning. 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