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Thursday, November 28, 2019

I love your memories Review Essay Example

I love your memories Review Paper Essay on I love your memories The product I love your memories about the life of our with you so happy and unhappy, fair and cruel life. And that, friends, is the magic Ahern books. You are carried away along with the characters in their world, which in part has become yours! Because many characters you recognize their relatives, friends, acquaintances yourself! Her books are very realistic, they never have anything extra. It never disturbed the harmony of feelings and words that you enjoy throughout the book! But so easy to go too far, to go behind that fine line where the fun is getting boring, vulgar and useless. After all, everything is changing so fast  «I suddenly comes to mind, how close joy and sadness, how closely they are soldered transition from one feeling to another is imperceptible, like a thin web of string, shivering under the rain drops Between the two extremes hanging scales, only the transparent tissue that prevents or comforts us. You hate, but look through the veil and you will see the opportunity to fall in love; Now youre sad, but look through it, and you will find joy. From absolute tranquility in complete confusion. Everything is changing so fast, do not have time to blink  » We will write a custom essay sample on I love your memories Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on I love your memories Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on I love your memories Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Yes, it is sometimes very difficult and painful as the main character, has lost an unborn child: I reach for the disk tightly clench his fingers, as if I want to strangle. He knocks a collection of photographs, standing on the piano, split glass wedding photography I open my mouth. And cry. I shout out loud as I can. Creek deep and low, it is full of pain. I scream again and not fall silent until they are exhausted I scream, scream until I start to choke, and the throat does not catch a spasm of pain, It is difficult to answer the question: how can die one who was not born yet And here, in these moments of despair, we must be able to see through the veil and see hope.  «The most paradoxical that if in life there is something tragic, it is the duty falls on the victim to take care of that everything else was comfortable Yes, in this as in so many other things, I completely agree with Cecilia Ahern.  « Tears, they run over, but I do not let them fall. I know if I start to cry right now, not ever stop. When you read these lines, do you understand the despair of the heroine, and something inside compressed To lose a husband, a child, Chastikov themselves in the end how do you cope with all this The answer is: with the help of good people who love you with the help of a man who became your donor and at the same time gave you the meaning of life. You will ask why? Yes, because with a blood transfusion there was something more there was some kind of strong bond that can not break, no one This relationship is reflected in the fact that, along with his blood tell her his memories, tastes . And now, the case, fate brought them together and nobody will separate more NEVER the way, do you believe that with transfusions can happen something mystical? The main thing in the books Cecilia what interest not in the plot, but in something else in each line, which has a great washed away, which makes you wonder. You turn the pages without noticing how time flows just know life Know yourself! In addition, in the book I love your memories, I liked the description of the dialogue of the protagonist with an elderly father . really touched to the core. And of course, like in all the books Cecilia Ahern as shown friendship -. Strong and unbreakable

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